OSINT Week CTF (May 2024)
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There are three separate challenges all themed with The Windy City - Chicago. The images are provided in the questions below.
Use the images to complete the challenges. An answer key is provided at the link above. Please be sure to read the notes on the submission form to ensure your answers are captured accurately. We are not collecting your email addresses.
Use your OSINT skills to piece together the puzzles, some are easy while others are not so straight forward. Each image corresponds only to the challenge associated with its number. You do not need to download or install anything. You can complete every challenge with only a browser.
Each of the three challenges uses one image and they are titled, respectively.
Challenge #1 == building1
Challenge #2 == building2
Challenge #3 == building3
The buildings do not relate to the other challenges.
For example, you will not use building2 to answer any questions for Challenge #1 or #3. However there are clues at the end of Challenge #1 and #2. You should leverage these clues to help answer the next challenge.
Challenge #1 ends in a clue for Challenge #2 and Challenge #2 ends in a clue for Challenge #3. Challenge #3 has no clue for any other challenge.
Use the clue to help answer the next challenge in sequence, 1>2>3. The clue will not help you answer the current question. For example, the clue at the end of the Challenge #1 will not help answer Challenge #1 nor #3 but will help answer Challenge #2.
Hopefully, I’ve explained how to successfully participate in this guide.
If you have any questions, please reach out via The CyberSleuth Chronicles Discord server. -@HackinKraken
Steven Amador
Good luck and have fun! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My new job starts soon, and I am scoping out the area. So many food options in downtown....I sort of need to get into shape though. Decisions decisions .... Let's keep it 'Simple' - about eight veggie shacks (no tax) or a short-term trial to get The Gain….
Question: What is the price difference between the short term trial and the eight veggie shacks? Clue for challenge #2: Don't worry about tax, no one ever got popped for that....
Difficulty: Easy Flag Format: FirstName LastName
When do roaches die? Just a cool $100 million and a wink on federal steps 4 years later. Clue for challenge #3: Money is money, five bucks for two hours?! Sheesh!
Question: What famous person are we talking about here?
Difficulty: Easy Flag Format: 123456789 No spaces. Please note there may be more or less than 9 digits. McDonald's ain't the only Mc in town!
Question: What is the full zone number ending in 8? Use the clue from question 2 to answer this question.
Difficulty: Easy Flag Format: https://www.WEBSITE.COM/URL Question: Enter the URL used to view the rate. All answers to The Windy City Challenge can be found here Don't forget to include your contact information!
The OSINT Omega Challenge was written by Samuel Stewart (aka Obsidian on discord)
Difficulty: Easy Flag Format: slash32{place_of_business}
If I wanted to enjoy the sun and sand, eat a Big Mac in TOTAL darkness, and then go right next door for a cappuccino after everyone lightens the heck back up, where would I go? Mmmm... cappuccino....
Difficulty: Medium Flag format: slash32{full_answer}
A solitary star shines upon the place where only 31337 men died. 68,700 days couldn't wipe away their final words. What were they?
Difficulty: Hard Flag format: slash32{name_of_place}
Far from the mountains in the land of winged beasts, an ancient capital city lay in ruins Answers can be found here Please include the same contact information you provided on "The Windy City OSINT Challenge" So we can add your points.
Difficulty: Easy Flag format: slash32{123_street_address}
Radcliffe's childhood "room" really sucks. I'm moving into the house next door.
Difficulty: Medium Flag format: slash32{MM-DD-YYYY}
First a hot billboard, then a deadly plane crash, and now a tornado? Could today get any worse?
Difficulty: Hard Flag format: slash32{$*} (Precise dollar amount, no comma)
My property taxes are the opposite of Affordable! They'll put me in an early grave! A long nap sounds Pleasant though. Speaking of Affordable, what is one of my 19.599 acres worth again?
Reminder that all flags for day 2 can be found here
Difficulty: Easy Flag format: slash32{number}
Every morning I leave my dorm and run 3.4 miles towards the sun to go see the lions. It's a straight shot past Building 1 from "Windy City OSINT Challenge" to see them. If I wanted to walk north instead to see a different statue, how many seconds would it take to get there?
Difficulty: Medium Flag format: slash32{capitalcity_country}
My friend loves running to see statues but I'd rather see the real thing. If it's 10:22 CST where he is and 18:22 CST where I am, where am I?
Difficulty: Hard Flag format: slash32{video_name}
My childhood idol hit a thousand thousand thousand views a few years after opening a bar with me. I took inspiration from the extra at 0:52. What was the only other video he was in?
Reminder that all flags for day 3 can be found here
Difficulty: Easy Flag format: slash32{MM-DD-YYYY}
Everyone loves my older brother, the big bad Windows breaker. But I'm the lesser known little brother. Do you even know what day I was born?
Difficulty: Medium Flag format: slash32{link}
Citing research papers is hard! My professor Riccardo Ghioni wrote a paper about open source intelligence, but I can't find it anywhere. Can you send me the unique link?
Difficulty: Hard Flag format: slash32{place}
Where [volcanic glass] learned to speak, the President sleeps between the green and the Grant. What's the name of his house?
Difficulty: Very Hard Flag format: slash32{city_state}
Gloe-ih Lin Dzeh Gah Dzeh Gloe-ih Wol-la-chee Dibeh Klizzie-yazzi Tkin Nesh-chee Dibeh Dzeh Dibeh-yazzi Shush Ne-as-jah Gah Nesh-chee
Reminder that all flags for day 4 can be found here
Difficulty: Medium Flag Format: https://www.WEBSITE.COM/URL/URL Question: Post the link to the encyclopedia article.